St. Perpetua Catholic Church is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization:
Tax ID. 94-2627188
Let’s be honest, we all tend to procrastinate a little. But putting off your 2023 giving until the week between Christmas and the New Year could miss deadlines causing your deduction to fall into next year’s tax return. Your banker, tax advisor, company HR and/or stockbroker might be unavailable over the holidays, just when you need their support and advice.
Year-end giving may be part of an integrated tax plan or just a desire to maximize your tax deductions. It’s a great time to redeem your Capital Campaign pledges (or make an additional one), make a special gift to St Perpetua or donate to other charities you support. If your giving involves a straight-forward online cash gift or check writing, you just need to make sure your gift is received by December 31. Last minute donations by credit card or bank transfer can be made using the Parish website e-Giving Page.
However, if your giving involves certain tax advantaged programs, you may be wise to get started no later than December 15. Gifts of appreciated securities, direct donations from your IRA (for 70 ½ donors), setting up donor-advised fund accounts, employer matching gifts and other gifting methods may require the advice, assistance, and cooperation of third parties, which may be difficult to obtain as we get closer to the holidays. If you are considering any of these more involved giving vehicles, or are just curious to learn more about them, please visit the Parish website Main Giving Page
And for those considering giving to other charities over the holidays, the Outreach Committee has provided a short list of worthwhile local organizations. You can find them by Clicking Here.