Baptismal preparation at St. Perpetua involves these simple steps: your personal reading and reflection about the sacrament, a baptism preparation class with prayer, input and discussion; participation in a brief rehearsal for the celebration of the sacrament, and the baptism itself.
1. Welcome Meeting: Three to four months before the desired date of baptism, contact the parish office (925-283-0272) to schedule a welcome meeting with a member of the pastoral staff and/or baptism team. In this meeting the baptism preparation process will be explained, any questions or concerns will be addressed, and the baptismal registration form will be completed.
2. Personal Reading and Reflection: At the initial meeting you will be given the booklet "Your Child’s Baptism." Please read it and use the reflection questions found throughout the booklet
3. Evening Preparation Session: This session is intended to help parents explore and deepen their understanding of this sacrament, life in the Church and Christian parenting. The session, led by a team of parish couples with a member of the pastoral staff, provides an opportunity to create a small faith community where parents can get to know and be supported by other parents in the parish who share the same faith and face the same parenting challenges.
4. Brief Rehearsal: This takes place 30 minutes before the celebration of the rite of baptism. Parents and sponsors (if possible) should be present.
5. Rite of Baptism: After new parents have completed their preparation, they and their families and friends join with the parish community for the rite of baptism at one of the weekend liturgies.